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Seamless & Secure Access

Locke is an ultra-secure password manager that makes it easy to use strong passwords across all devices. Add family members as recoverers so you never lose access and never get hacked.

Unparalleled Value

Protect Your Entire Family With One Product

End-to-end encrypted passwords & recovery

Locke end-to-end encrypts all your passwords so that no one, not even us, can see them. Even the social recovery process is end-to-end encrypted for uncompromising security.

Every subscriptions comes with 10 licenses

Unlike Netflix we want you to share passwords. In fact, our app not only allows you to securely share passwords, it also comes with private vaults for 10 family and friends.

Don't be the weak link

Locke protects everyone. While baby boomers have the most to lose by getting hacked (an average of $1700 per incident), Generation Z is the demographic most likely to get hacked.




Every family member added to Locke makes you all collectively more secure.

Locke’s unique social recovery feature breaks your master password up into shards and distributes it among trusted family members. This enables end-to-end encrypted account recovery, the holy grail of security.


Add up to 10 trusted family members to your Locke account. They all gain private vaults and the ability to add 9 more of their own family & friends to Locke.


Select the people you trust to be your recoverers and set a minimum threshold required for recovery. Recoverers gain no individual access to your vault.


Your recoverers will get a 6 digit code during recovery and when the threshold of codes are received, your account is recovered & password visible.

Our Philosophy

Emails are for emails, not password resets.

By using your email account as a source of identity, you put all your eggs in that basket. If your email gets hacked all of your accounts can be reset.

Instead of having all your password eggs in your email basket, we think you should distribute your eggs among family members. This greatly increases your online security by protecting you against phishing attacks that send phony password reset emails.

Future Proof

Post-Quantum Secure

Locke is built using XChaCha, Crystals Kyber, and Shamir’s Secret Sharing to create a completely post-quantum secure fortress for you to store your passwords.